Founded by Walker Oxley in 2006, we have provided Website Design & Development, Digital Marketing, and Creative Services to businesses throughout Atlanta and across the nation. We’ve worked with businesses across a wide variety of industries ranging in sizes from startups to large corporations. We strive to provide exceptional customer service and live every day by our tagline “everything web!”
We are developers, designers, creatives, and marketers.
Why Oxley?
At Oxley, we are committed to achieving the highest possible return-on-investment for our clients. We do so by creating and delivering high quality content that improves your users experience by looking great, functioning properly, and boosting search rankings.
About the Team

Walker Oxley
As graduate of both UGA and Georgia Tech, Walker is a gifted businessman, web developer, and digital marketer. His ability to think about businesses from both the micro and macro level, coupled with strong programming skills make him the perfect technical consultant. In his spare time, Walker can be found spending time with his wife and daughter, playing golf, teaching Max new tricks, or enjoying nature.

Max aka “Chewbarka” is a life-force around Oxley and leaves everyone he meets feeling like they just won the lottery. He’s friendly, energetic, playful, and would do just about anything to get someone to throw the tennis ball around the office.